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DataPipe - Provider

Data Center Provider
Data Center Count
One data center
Facility Locations
One city

DataPipe Statistics and Figures

DataPipe operates one data center across one city: San Jose

Their largest facility is DataPipe Silicon Valley One with a footprint of 27,308 sq ft. All of DataPipe's data centers are carrier-neutral.

Looking at business internet speeds within five miles of DataPipe's one data center, we identified 9,468 individual tests over the previous month, seeing a maximum speed of 4,031.03mbps and an average corporate speed of 124.23mbps. The most recent business speed test happened at 12:58am on July 24.

DataPipe's Data Centers

Name City Carrier Neutral Remote Hands Rack Cabinets Single Servers
DataPipe Silicon Valley One San Jose Yes Yes Yes Yes

Average Speeds Near DataPipe's Data Center

Frequently Asked Questions About DataPipe

How many data centers does DataPipe operate?

DataPipe operates one data center.

Which cities does DataPipe have data centers in?

DataPipe has one data center facility in San Jose

How much floor space do DataPipe's data centers cover?

We have calculated building footprints for all of DataPipe's facilities totalling 27,308 sq ft, which is roughly 2,537 sq meters.

What is DataPipe's largest data center?

Looking at building footprint size, we have found that DataPipe Silicon Valley One is DataPipe's biggest facility, covering 27,308 sq ft and roughly 2,537 sq meters.

Last updated: Jul 24 2024