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CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)

Data Center
CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)
840 Allen Commerce Parkway

CyrusOne Dallas (Allen) Data Center Details

CyrusOne Dallas (Allen) is a data center in Plano. It is operated by CyrusOne and sits in a building footprint of 30,645 sq ft. We do not yet have the details of what services are available at CyrusOne Dallas (Allen). If you need to know if CyrusOne Dallas (Allen) is carrier-neutral, or if you need services such as remote hands or rack-mounted cages, we recommend you contact the data center's staff directly. There are 2 fiber lines running through, or very close, to CyrusOne Dallas (Allen), including Zayo Metro Lateral OWN and Zayo Metro Lateral Dark Fiber.

We have been looking at business speeds performed over the last month inside a five-mile area of CyrusOne Dallas (Allen), and the highest speed seen was 1,142.95mbps. Out of a total of 4,131 tests, the average corporate speed was 96.81mbps, and the most recent speed test happened on September 10 at 12:36am.

Fiber Cable Availability at CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)

Provider Cable Name Lit or Dark? Distance from Building
Zayo Metro Lateral Dark Fiber Dark 7 feet
Zayo Metro Lateral OWN Lit 7 feet

Data Centers Near CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)

Name Building Area Distance City, Zip
TierPoint Allen TX 30,645sq ft 0 mi Allen, 75013
Evoque_DA1 - Allen 42,076sq ft 3 mi Allen, 75013
GIP Plano 126,088sq ft 9 mi Plano, 75074
Aligned Dallas (DFW-01) 108,392sq ft 9 mi Plano, 75074
Flexential - Dallas/Plano (DFW01) 98,683sq ft 9 mi Plano, 75074
DataBank Dallas (DFW3) 135,453sq ft 10 mi Plano, 75024
T5 Dallas 155,678sq ft 10 mi Plano, 75024
Equinix DA7 - Dallas 155,678sq ft 10 mi Plano, 75024
Lincoln Rackhouse Dallas 2,347sq ft 10 mi Plano, 75075
INAP Dallas 106,433sq ft 11 mi Plano, 75075

Average Business Internet Speeds Near CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)

Frequently Asked Questions About CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)

Who operates the CyrusOne Dallas (Allen) data center?

The CyrusOne Dallas (Allen) facility is operated by CyrusOne, who also operate 29 other data centers.

How can I find CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)?

CyrusOne Dallas (Allen) is in Plano, Texas, and their full address is: 840 Allen Commerce Parkway, Allen, TX, 75013, Texas.

What services are available at CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)?

We are still looking into services provided by CyrusOne Dallas (Allen) and will shortly describe their rack sizes, remote hands support, and other services they offer.

How big is CyrusOne Dallas (Allen)'s building footprint?

The building CyrusOne Dallas (Allen) sits in has a footprint of 30,645 sq ft, which is about 2,847 square meters.

Last updated: Sep 10 2024