Evocative San Jose (SV7)
Evocative San Jose (SV7) Data Center Details
As of 12:52am on 12 September, we have found 14,193 speed tests performed in the last month on business internet lines within fives miles of Evocative San Jose (SV7). The average speed seen during this time was 95.87mbps, and the fastest corporate speed was 2,793.44mbps.
Data Centers Near Evocative San Jose (SV7)
Name | Building Area | Distance | City, Zip |
SVTIX San Jose | 48,416sq ft | 0 mi | San Jose, 95126 |
CoreSite - San Jose (SV1) | 34,272sq ft | 1 mi | San Jose, 95113 |
ColoCrossing SJ1 | 34,272sq ft | 1 mi | San Jose, 95113 |
190 Park Center Plaza San Jose | 13,659sq ft | 1 mi | San Jose, 95113 |
KDWEB San Jose | 25,284sq ft | 1 mi | San Jose, 95122 |
DataPipe Silicon Valley One | 27,308sq ft | 1 mi | San Jose, 95113 |
Digital Realty SJC (2220 De La Cruz Blvd) | - | 2 mi | Santa Clara, 95050 |
Digital Realty SJC (2805 Lafayette) | - | 3 mi | Santa Clara, 95050 |
EdgeConneX Santa Clara (EDCSVC01) | 146,443sq ft | 3 mi | Santa Clara, 95051 |
Digital Realty SJC (3011 Lafayette St) | 13,724sq ft | 3 mi | Santa Clara, 95054 |
Average Business Internet Speeds Near Evocative San Jose (SV7)
Frequently Asked Questions About Evocative San Jose (SV7)
Who operates the Evocative San Jose (SV7) data center?
The Evocative San Jose (SV7) facility is operated by Evocative, who also operate three other data centers.
How can I find Evocative San Jose (SV7)?
Evocative San Jose (SV7) is in San Jose, California, and their full address is: 534 Stockton Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95126, California.
What services are available at Evocative San Jose (SV7)?
Evocative San Jose (SV7) services include: professional remote hands, cabinet racks, space for your office, security cages, and hosting for individual servers.
How big is Evocative San Jose (SV7)'s building footprint?
The building Evocative San Jose (SV7) sits in has a footprint of 40,784 sq ft, which is about 3,789 square meters.
Last updated: Sep 12 2024